Africa RISING partnerships increase scaling out of agricultural technologies in Ethiopia

The final innovation platform meetings in all four regions where Africa RISING is present in Ethiopia took place in June and July 2016. These meetings offer a chance to look back at some of the ach… Source: Africa RISING partnerships increase scaling out of agricultural technologies in Ethiopia

Humidtropics program launches research-for-development platform in Ethiopia

Originally posted on ILRI news:
National-level members of the Humidtropics research-for-development platform (photo credit: ILRI/Apollo Habtamu). Written by Zelalem Lema, research officer, innovation systems at ILRI and Dorine Odongo, communications specialist at ILRI. The CGIAR Research Program on Integrated Systems for the Humid Tropics (Humidtropics) has been implementing action research activities in Ethiopia since 2014…